Land Development and Subdivision Experts

Feature and Level Surveys

Surveys to locate feature and levels and associated residential, commercial and industrial survey plans for design purposes. Feature and level surveys are essential in the process of new development, to identify all onsite and neighbouring features. This information is used by building designers, town planers, engineers, architects and councils to determine whether your design can be approved and built on the land. Survey extent and details required are usually determined depending on the project proposed. This is usually completed in conjunction with a Title re-establishment survey.

What our plans show:

  • Natural and man-made features on the property. These features can include drains, fences, spot levels, contours, buildings, structures and utility services and etc.
  • Significant trees over the site and within 9m of the boundary.
  • Features and visible services on the adjoining road reserve.
  • Eaves, gutters, ridges, and building setbacks of adjoining properties.
  • Location of overlooking windows within 9m of the boundary.